natural capital

What is the role of the environment in the next Parliament?

Little did Daija Angeli, NCI project officer, know that she had one of the “hottest tickets in town” in her pocket when leaving the office to head to the Question Time event “What role for the environment in the next Parliament?” on Tuesday. In the

February 27th, 2015|Business, Other event, Policy|

Protecting and Improving Natural Capital for Prosperity and Wellbeing – the 3rd NCC report published

Are we going to be the first generation to leave the natural environment in a better state than we inherited it from our parents?  If the Government takes up the recommendations of the Natural Capital Committee (NCC) we still have a chance to achieve this

January 30th, 2015|Policy, Science|

Dieter Helm gives evidence in Westminster

NCI’s Daija Angeli summarises Dieter Helm’s progress report today to the Environmental Audit Committee on the work of the Natural Capital Committee. Advising the Government on climate change proves to be much more straightforward than making recommendations on maintaining our natural capital, said Professor Dieter

November 25th, 2014|Policy|

Valuing our Life Support Systems 2014: Will accountants save the world?

Richard Spencer, head of sustainability at the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, suggested that the accountancy profession might be the ones who will “save the world” by insuring that broader issues than finance are taken into account on balance sheets, at the

November 17th, 2014|NCI, NCI event|