
Greg Barker Live Webchat on the Green Deal

Former Department of Energy and Climate Change Minister Greg Barker will be taking questions on the Green Deal in a LIVE webchat on Monday 19 November 2012 at 1100. The webchat will be open for questions at 1000 on Monday for those who cannot make the

November 16th, 2012|Other event, Policy|

The Valuing Nature Network Wellbeing project team release workshop report

The report of the 17th-18th September Wellbeing Workshop details how changes in ecosystem services affect human wellbeing. Policy makers want to design interventions that do not have detrimental impacts on the most vulnerable groups of people. However, anticipated and actual outcomes can differ considerably; we

October 29th, 2012|External reports, Policy, Science|

The Project for Ecosystem Services

The Project for Ecosystem Services (ProEcoServ) is a GEF-funded umbrella project aiming at piloting the bundling of ecosystem services and the integration of ecosystem services approaches into resource management and decision making. The overall goal of the project is to better integrate ecosystem assessment and economic valuation

October 15th, 2012|Policy, Science|

David Jarrett of Ecometrica writes on assets and liabilities in natural capital accounting

David Jarrett, Biodiversity Analyst at Ecometrica writes on the assets and liabilities in natural capital accounting. In his post, David explores the differences between and challenges associated with natural capital accounting at a national level compared to an organisational one, and how current financial accounting

October 9th, 2012|Business, Policy|

Successes of the Valuing Nature Network: Event in March 2013

The Valuing Nature Network (VNN) event will highlight successes from the Network, including insights into partnership working between academia, policy and business; and the benefits of working across academic disciplines. In a series of short talks, Network speakers will show how the current Valuing Nature

October 1st, 2012|Business, Collaboration, Other event, Policy, Science|

Natural England Inviting Tenders for a Green Infrastructure Valuation Tools Assessment

Natural England is inviting applications for tenders to carry out a Green Infrastructure Valuation Tools Assessment. The aim of this project is to draw together and review the micro-economic Green Infrastructure (GI) valuation tools and the methods available. This project, 'GI - valuation tools assessment' will draw

September 27th, 2012|Policy, Science|

New case studies on how ecosystems benefit society

A new report published by the Partnership for European Environmental Research network (PEER), including the JRC's Institute for Environment and Sustainability, provides case studies on scenarios and monetary valuation for ecosystem services. It also demonstrated how the introduction of the ecosystem services concept into the

September 27th, 2012|External reports, Policy, Science|