
Protecting and Improving Natural Capital for Prosperity and Wellbeing – the 3rd NCC report published

Are we going to be the first generation to leave the natural environment in a better state than we inherited it from our parents?  If the Government takes up the recommendations of the Natural Capital Committee (NCC) we still have a chance to achieve this

January 30th, 2015|Policy, Science|

Dieter Helm gives evidence in Westminster

NCI’s Daija Angeli summarises Dieter Helm’s progress report today to the Environmental Audit Committee on the work of the Natural Capital Committee. Advising the Government on climate change proves to be much more straightforward than making recommendations on maintaining our natural capital, said Professor Dieter

November 25th, 2014|Policy|

Managed Realignment and PES could reverse damage to Wetlands

At NCI’s Natural Capital Summit ‘Valuing our Life Support Systems 2104’ on the 6th & 7th November, there will be a session highlighting positive land and water management case studies. In the run up to the event, Steering Group member Bill Watts asks, why is there a problem

June 17th, 2014|Policy, Science|

Urban green infrastructure and human wellbeing

Earlier this month, parliamentarians and academics discussed the evidence on how urban open spaces can improve human well-being. Daija Angeli, NCI project officer, summarises what she learnt at the debate at the Houses of Parliament. Living in cities may be exciting and culturally enriching, but

May 23rd, 2014|NCI, NCI event, Policy, Science|

Is Natural Capital Accounting a political imperative? The first GLOBE UK Natural Capital Legislation Conference

GLOBE UK held their first GLOBE UK Natural Capital Legislation Conference this week. Daija Angeli, NCI project officer, went to the House of Commons to attend the event. Is Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) a political imperative? This was the central question of the first 1st

April 4th, 2014|Business, NCI, Other event, Policy|

Parliamentary and Scientific Committee discussed valuation of natural capital

Daija Angeli, project officer in the Natural Capital Initiative, attended a meeting of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee on the valuation of natural capital on 25th February 2014. Here is what she learned: How do we value our natural capital? This was the question discussed

March 4th, 2014|NCI, Other event, Policy, Science|

NCI speaks with Ece Ozdemiroglu about envecon 2014 and why you should be there

We spoke with NCI Secretariat member, eftec Director, and UKNEE (UK Network of Environmental Economists) Founder Ece Ozdemiroglu to learn more about UKNEE's upcoming annual conference envecon 2014 and why you should attend. What is envecon all about? Envecon is the only Applied Environmental Economics

February 24th, 2014|Business, NCI, Other event, Policy, Science|